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liveasiaworldcupqualifiers| Jointly build a domestic high-end intelligent computing center: Hongxin Electronics and Suiyuan Technology reached an in-depth strategic cooperation agreement

2024年04月21日 editor 阅读(10)

Hongxin Electronics and Flint Technology form a deep strategic partnershipLiveasiaworldcupqualifiersHongxin Electronics said on the investor interaction platform that it reached a deep strategic cooperation agreement with Flint Technology to jointly produce computing boards and related servers. This cooperation is not limited to specific areas, but also provides more possibilities for the application of domestic high-end intelligence centers in Wuxi High-tech Zone.

liveasiaworldcupqualifiers| Jointly build a domestic high-end intelligent computing center: Hongxin Electronics and Suiyuan Technology reached an in-depth strategic cooperation agreement

On the interactive platform on April 21, investors asked Hongxin about the domestic high-end intelligent computing center in Wuxi High-tech Zone, such as whether it used the tunnel Honghua computer server.

Hongxin Electronics responded that long Yuan Technology is its deep strategic partner. The cooperation between the two sides covers the production and manufacture of Flint Technology Calculus cards and servers, and the scope of cooperation is not restricted by the region.

On March 12, Flint Technology and Wuxi High-tech Zone signed a strategic cooperation agreement, the two sides will jointly establish a domestic high-end intelligence center. This strategic cooperation indicates the in-depth cooperation between the two sides in the field of intelligent computing and is expected to bring more high-end intelligent computing capabilities to Wuxi High-tech Zone.

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